
AOE2 Unique Technologies

Unique Technologies

  • Garland Wars - Unique to the Aztecs. Increases infantry attack by +4 (combined with Blast Furnace, they can have +8 attack).
  • Yeomen - Unique to the Britons. Foot archers have +1 range (when combined with the technology Bracer, they will have +6 range), and towers have +2 attack.
  • Logistica - Unique to the Byzantines. Cataphracts cause trample damage, meaning they can hit other units near them while attacking.
  • Furor Celtica - Unique to the Celts. Siege weapons have +50% hit points.
  • Rocketry - Unique to the Chinese. Chu ko nus have +2 attack, and scorpions have +4 attack.
  • Bearded Axe - Many believe this is the most useless unique technology in the game. It is unique to the Franks, and gives throwing axemen +1 range.
  • Anarchy - The Goths are the only civilization with two unique technologies, and this is one of them. Unlike the other unique technologies, it is available in the Castle Age. It allows huskarls to be created at barracks.
  • Perfusion - The other Gothic unique technology. Barracks units are created +50% faster. Combined with the Gothic team bonus of barracks units created +20% faster, and the technology Conscription, barracks units can be created +85% faster. Combine that with the Goths' cheaper infantry, and the fact that they have +10 population in the Imperial Age, and you can create a very large army of infantry in as little as 10 minutes.
  • Atheism - An effective technology unique to the Huns. Increases Wonder and Relic victories by 100, and the Spies and Treason research at Hunnic castles cost -50 resources.
  • Kataparuto - Unique to the Japanese. Trebuchets pack/unpack nearly instantly, and fire faster. "Kataparuto" is the Japanese katakana equivalent to "catapult".
  • Shinkichon - Unique to the Koreans. Onagers have +1 range.
  • El Dorado - Unique to the Mayans. Eagle warriors have +40 hit points.
  • Drill - Unique to the Mongols. Siege weapons move +50% faster, making them about as fast as cavalry.
  • Mahouts - Unique to the Persians. War elephants move +30% faster.
  • Zealotry - Unique to the Saracens. Camel riders and mamelukes have +30 hit points; combined with Bloodlines, they can have +50 hit points.
  • Supremacy - Unique to the Spanish. Villagers have +40 hit points, +6 attack, +2 armour, and +2 pierce armour, which makes them a lot more useful in battle.
  • Crenellations - Unique to the Teutons. Castles have +3 range (Bodkin Arrow can bring their range up to +5), and garrisoned infantry fire arrows.
  • Artillery - Unique to the Turks. Artillery(Cannon Galleon, Bombard Cannons and Bombard Towers) have +2 range.
  • Berserkergang - Unique to the Vikings. Berserkers heal themselves faster; how much faster is unknown, but it seems about +40% faster.


faRiZqi said...

segitu gilanya ama ni game yah,,,ck ck ck mpe dibikin blog-nyah,,,
aku tetep ga ngerti keknya kalo dijelasin Jal...=P
praktek sih keknya baru bisa, hueheee,,,
cinta bgt ma pwt yha, blognyah ajah pke plat R, huahahaa,,,,

R 124 L said...

yah mau gmn lagi,cuma game ini yg minat hahaha...,emang uda niat ntar klo mau beli mobil pake plat R dong heee

faRiZqi said...

wueesss,,,,sense of belongingnyah terhadap kota purwokerto tinggi sekali, huehee...
amieenn beli mobil pke plat R,,,heuheee...

Tamie Chan said...

maaf, ini ngomongin apa yaa??
saya gak ngerti...
(garuk-garuk kepala fariz...)

R 124 L said...

ngomongin game blognya
tp commentnya ngomongin Plat no mobil pwt yg pake R depannya

blog said...

diam .. hening .. alam terbungkam
.. gemerisik angin pun tercekat dalam rongga kering ..
tak ada kata .. hanya keheningan ..

satu .. dua .. tiga ..
desiran angin berserabutan dari dinding luar yang ponggah menjulang ..
menebus .. kedamaian .. dan terkoyak ...

saksikan ksatria Chu ko nus 'kweng' beraksi atas kota mu ...

-- kangen juga ya .. suasana itu --

R 124 L said...

wah om kweng kapan2 kita maen bareng lagi dong pake hamachi
oke 14

andry_boy said...

btw gmn caranya maen pake hamachi???
tapi kayaknya kurang seru ya? soalnya ngga bisa sambil makan indomie si AA sama extraJoss supaya halbedier-nya Strong, yakin kangen juga.......