
The Basic Start AOe

Here is a BASIC start in AoK, using sheeps, and both boars to advance to the castle age by 17 minutes


At the very start:
Make a villager from your town centre
Make a house with 2 villagers
Make a house with the other villager
Get your 4 sheep with your scout
After the houses are complete, send all 3 villagers to gather food from your sheep inside town centre

Vill 4: Sheep
Vill 5: Sheep
Vill 6: Sheep

You should now have 6 villagers on sheep, plus a scout that is finding your other sheep around town centre.

Vill 7: Make lumber camp near forest
Vill 8: Wood
Vill 9: Wood
Vill 10: Wood

You should now have 6 villagers on sheep in your town centre and 4 villagers gathering wood near a forest and lumber camp.

Vill 11: Send towards location of boar and build a house

After Vill #11 builds the house, it will lure the boar back to the town centre, and then gather food from the boar

Vill 12: Build mill beside berries
Vill 13: Berries
Vill 14: Berries

You should now have 7 villagers in your town centre on the boar, 4 villagers on wood, 3 villagers on berries and a scout

Vill 15: Send to location of 2nd boar and build house

After the vill builds the house, it will lure the 2nd boar back to the town centre and gather food

Vill 16: Farm beside town centre
Vill 17: Farm beside town centre
vill 18: Wood
Vill 19: Wood
Vill 20: Farm Beside town centre
Vill 21: Farm Beside town centre
Vill 22: Build House and then wood
Vill 23: Farm
Vill 24: Farm
Vill 25: Farm
Vill 26: Wood
Vill 27: Gold
Vill 28: Gold
Vill 29: Gold

After your 8 villagers in the town centre finish gathering from the 2nd boar, send a few to wood and a few to make more farms, and leave 1 or 2 to finish sheep.

This start is very basic, and is only intended as a practise start for rooks and newbs to get used to how a proper start works. Since it advances to the Feudal Age at 30 pop, it is quite easy and after some practise you will master it. Once you fuedal you just need to build a market and stable to advance to the Castle Age.

I would suggest using Britons for attemping this start, because they are the easiest to do it with

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